Friday, November 09, 2007

Hello my Old Friend

I've been threatening myself the last few weeks that I'm going to try blogging again. Not sure what tone it's going to take. hasn't really gone anywhere. I guess as newly weds we have erm... other things to do.

A colleague of mine is quite active on the Xbox forums and mentioned something interesting (to me in any event).

It is an interesting posting on a new feature Microsoft is launching that allows better parental control. In summary you will be able to set up daily time limits on your children's profiles. I'm sure a lot of kids will not like this idea but I think it is great.

Just imagine it... you've just slayed the evil black dragon and you're about to finish the game and.... time up...

That would be very frustrating, but in the bigger scheme of things there are so many other much more constructive things parents should be having their kids do that build character instead of pride, arrogance and selfishness.

We visited some friends who have just given birth to their 3rd child. (4th if you count their adopted one as well).

It is always refreshing to see the way they handle there kids. They're involved, they love, and they discipline. It makes such a difference. Before we planted the East Rand Church we use to meet at each others houses to discuss and dream about how we would get this thing off the ground. The 3 kids would come along with them often wherever we met. I can't remember a single instance when their kids were difficult. And it's not because they're quite and reserved. They are quite active, yet they are considerate and they understand authority.

First post done.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec elle. *sigh*

Je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec elle. Je t'aime ma belle princesse

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Guys vs Girls in Romance

I realised after reading Katherine's last post on MillionBicycles that we have differing views on what constitutes a "romantic" occasion. Com'on guys... I'm sure its happened to you before: You and a large group of friends (guys and girls) are having a conversation about how when Jimmy got shot in the head, went blind and got testicular cancer, he crawled 69km in -20 degree weather to the nearest village then dictacted his undying love to Annebelle his childhood friend, and how the thought of her was the only thing that kept him alive, to a nurse who posts his letter and how they got married 6 months later. All the girls, with one collective sigh, then say "How romaaaaantic!!!"

You then think to yourself, whats romantic about that... the poor dude has no balls, can't see... man that is gruesome. Such bad luck... these girls are sick.

Maybe a bit extreme, anyway... we thought we would put up 2 polls... the first poll is for guys the second for girls.

Guys Poll: Don't select what you think the right answer is... select what you actually end up doing 9/10 times. The purpose is to try see what myths guys have picked up about romance.

Girls Poll: Please select what would mean most to you when done regularly (at least once every 2 months) over the period of a long relationship.

My theory is that there is a difference between what guys end up doing and what girls actually appreciate the most. It is also possible that there are a bunch of guys that think they're useless at being romantic meanwhile they're actually really good at it.

If you have a blog, please spread the word about this poll... you can even add the polls to your own blog (click on the "Add this poll to your blog" links). If you do so, please explain its purpose as I have.

-->Still Ablaze

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Ladies and Gentleman, esteemed colleagues and friends, members of the press and all pet rocks... I'm privileged to announce the launch of the new exciting blog containing the "Adventures of Asparagus and Litchi-pip"

Intrigued? You should be... check it out.

-->Ek is 'n moeg flam vanaand. *yawn*

police brutality - more real than I thought

Something horific happened the other day just outside my house.

With South Africa having a massive unemployment rate it is not uncommon to have people coming round to your house asking if you have any work for them. Now I live in a predominantly "white" area. Now living in a country where a) racism is a very real problem and b) public taxes are badly distributed you end up with a situation where many of the commuters who make use of the train that makes a stop very near my house have no access to toilets. Because a) racist people won't let a black person (the 99% of the demographic that makes use of the train) use their bathroom and b) there are no toilets (or even covering should it be raining) at the train stop near my house.

Unfortunately for one of my unemployed countryman searching for a job in my area (I'm talking about job where they can hopefully wash a car for R10/1.60 US$ or work in your garden for the day for R50/8.30 US$) he desperately needed to wee. What usually happens in this case is that there is a concealed "grove" near the train stop where people can quickly relief themselves... you are mostly concealed. At this point a police car drove by.

Now don't get me wrong, I agree the public urination is wrong, but when there is nowhere for you to urinate there comes a point where you look the other way.

Instead of merely repromanding the poor fellow they made him drop his pants and sprayed his penis with whatever pepper-spray/mace they currently use for crowd/fight control. They then drove off.

The result, we had a man in agony on our front lawn. We phoned the ambulance. Adventually I suggested the poor guy wash his penis with some milk... which I assumed might be a good idea. It certainly didn't make it worse.

The ambulance adventually arrived 5 hours later... a little late.

I hope the guy is OK. I am horrified that peoples racism could cause them to harm another human life in that way. Policemen that we are supposed to respect. The sad thing though is that even if the poor victim of this assault were able to indentify the policeman, nothing would happen to them.

I really hope that God allows me to help this countries unemployment rate.

-->Still Ablaze

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