Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Myth of Offense

Just came back from Victory Weekend. For a long time now I’ve made the claim that I am unoffendable and that the only thing that “offends” me is when someone thinks I’m offended with them. lol.

Anyway... one of the lecturers communicated quite nicely what was in my heart.

How often have you heard the statement “that person offended me” or “I offended that person”? How often has someone “offended” you?

How about a paradigm shift. What if I said it is impossible for someone to offend you or for you to offend someone. To me the idea of someone offending me is a post-modern way of justifying myself in bitterness and then having the “right” to slander or mistreat someone. After all they deserve it… they have it coming to them.

Please… grow up. Someone can’t offend me or you… at most they can present you with an opportunity to take offense. At that point you and I choose whether or not we want to be offended, whether through habit (because of your worldview), or by will.

So if you are a Christian… and there are people that have “offended” you… then do the right thing… release them, thereby releasing yourself from a life of twisted bitterness, stress and anxiety, and enjoy the added benefit of better sleep and less tension on your muscles…

In summary… Offense is a choice! Deal with it, or it will deal with you.

-->Still Ablaze


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Offense is a choice! Deal with it, or it will deal with you."

I totally agree with that Gareth, nice one! A great book on this is "The bait of Satan" by John'll like it.

ps. wots ur email address? sure you've heard about me courting by now etc. just wanted you to know that i'm still keen to continue my duties as "Hallelujah girl" if that's ok with Captain C?let me know.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would you agree that offence is a form of hurt as well? if you agree to that then your arguement can be translated to "hurt is a choice! deal with it, or it will deal with you"- if that is the case than how can you say that to someone that has been deeply hurt by someone elses actions, for example sexual abuse- i'm sure that that the person being sexual abused would not apperciate your's not just sexual abuse it other forms of hurt as well! what do you have to say to that?

11:14 AM  

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