Wednesday, May 04, 2005

HP in Spings perhaps?

A while ago I mentioned that I had been thinking of the possiblity of a church plant here in Springs.

Well... good ol' pastor Themba approached me on sunday... he wants me to give him a tour of the East Rand. The jhb church is seriously considering planting in the east rand. Wow. Steve and I have chatted about this a couple of times. We are both very well equiped. We could easily start by planting a bible school. I would be quite happy to lecture some of the material. We could definately find some other guys to get involved as well.

I am really excited by this idea. As much as I love serving in the methodist church it is not my home or spiritual family and travelling through to JHB every sunday morning so that I can get some decent spiritual food is a mission.

It doesn't matter how involved the methodist church is with Willow Creek. The fact will always remain that they are not operating under an Apostolic or Prophetic mantle. Furthermore the sermons that are preached are "skimmed-milk" compared to the "fattened-calf" messages I have been hearing for the last 4 and half years.

So for the remainder of the year, unless God speaks to me very clearly, my time of serving in the methodist church is purely to equip leaders so that they are able to effectively reach the youth with the Gospel. It is interesting to see how the youth are begining to impact the rest of the congregation.

Who knows what next year has in store?


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