Ross's Wedding
Ross (my best friend) recently got married. It was an incredible event. It was attended by just under 300 people. Expensive? I have no idea... If it was a typical urban organised wedding then it would have been rediculously expensive, but this wedding was largely pulled off by a loving community.
I arrived a couple of days early to spend time with Ross. I was amazed at the involvement of the community. Camilla (now Ross's wife) comes from Malteno. Malteno is in the eastern cape and is a farming community. For the whole week before the wedding it seemed that every single farm in the area dedicated themselves to helping with the wedding. There were bakkies (trucks if you're american) constantly coming and going with people in them that were doing various tasks. Whether it was organising lighting for the marquee, setting up tables and deorations, feeding everyone, organising accomdation for the guests or carrying through the flowers (which were all grown by Camilla's mom) everyone was scurrying about doing what needed to be done. No-one was hard pressed for time. and no-one raised their voices. In fact I had no concept of time for the couple of days that I was there.
The generousity and hospitality of the community was unbelievable. To my knowledge not a single one of the 280 odd guests had to pay for accomdation or any meals. WOW. Everyone just had to chip in with a bit of help... and plenty hands definately make easy work. Every meal was great especially the wedding reception meal.
Here's to Ross and Camilla... the two who have now become one.
Some photo's for those of you interested (click on them to see them a bigger size). If you have any really good photo's from the wedding then please let me know. My number has not changed and is still 083 268 3510.
Ross and the 4 best men the night before:

It's Raining 30 minutes before the wedding... five minutes before the wedding commences it stops raining and the garden is left with the fresh scent of rain. This was quite an important thing because the wedding was outside...

Myself, Ross and Chris (damm I'm good looking)

Tendai, Steve and Fifi (almost as good looking as me)

Legally Mr and Mr's du Preez (otherwise now known has Romilla)

A moment alone before the reception

The first dance

Still the first dance

Now I know that about 30 or more of you were cramped into a little house on the floor in your sleeping bags... Steve, Tendai, Chris and myself (as the best men) were giving the best spot. Our bathroom/person ratio was 1/2... this is where we stayed

This wedding and the way God orchestrated it, makes me once again proud to be a christian. Thank you father for bringing together a couple that is led and directed by you. A couple that will lay down their lives for each other and the world day after day. Once again, thank you for a couple that is a living testimony of what happens when someone decides to say no to the worlds way, decides not to date and decides to live in absolute purity, trusting You for their marriage one day.
I arrived a couple of days early to spend time with Ross. I was amazed at the involvement of the community. Camilla (now Ross's wife) comes from Malteno. Malteno is in the eastern cape and is a farming community. For the whole week before the wedding it seemed that every single farm in the area dedicated themselves to helping with the wedding. There were bakkies (trucks if you're american) constantly coming and going with people in them that were doing various tasks. Whether it was organising lighting for the marquee, setting up tables and deorations, feeding everyone, organising accomdation for the guests or carrying through the flowers (which were all grown by Camilla's mom) everyone was scurrying about doing what needed to be done. No-one was hard pressed for time. and no-one raised their voices. In fact I had no concept of time for the couple of days that I was there.
The generousity and hospitality of the community was unbelievable. To my knowledge not a single one of the 280 odd guests had to pay for accomdation or any meals. WOW. Everyone just had to chip in with a bit of help... and plenty hands definately make easy work. Every meal was great especially the wedding reception meal.
Here's to Ross and Camilla... the two who have now become one.
Some photo's for those of you interested (click on them to see them a bigger size). If you have any really good photo's from the wedding then please let me know. My number has not changed and is still 083 268 3510.
Ross and the 4 best men the night before:

It's Raining 30 minutes before the wedding... five minutes before the wedding commences it stops raining and the garden is left with the fresh scent of rain. This was quite an important thing because the wedding was outside...

Myself, Ross and Chris (damm I'm good looking)

Tendai, Steve and Fifi (almost as good looking as me)

Legally Mr and Mr's du Preez (otherwise now known has Romilla)

A moment alone before the reception

The first dance

Still the first dance

Now I know that about 30 or more of you were cramped into a little house on the floor in your sleeping bags... Steve, Tendai, Chris and myself (as the best men) were giving the best spot. Our bathroom/person ratio was 1/2... this is where we stayed

This wedding and the way God orchestrated it, makes me once again proud to be a christian. Thank you father for bringing together a couple that is led and directed by you. A couple that will lay down their lives for each other and the world day after day. Once again, thank you for a couple that is a living testimony of what happens when someone decides to say no to the worlds way, decides not to date and decides to live in absolute purity, trusting You for their marriage one day.
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