Friday, November 05, 2004

Every Nation

So… as promised a little about my church.

We are word based and spirit filled, believe in extravagant worship
(the way it is in the bible) and don't care much for religion.

We are about Christ. About knowing, following and becoming like Him.
And we are quite serious about it. If something is close to God's
heart then it is close to our heart. We are spontaneous, loud, vibrant
and full of life.

There are 5 core values that you will find in our church (and every
other Every Nation church).

1. Lordship
2. Evangelism
3. Discipleship
4. Leadership
5. Family

Everything is built on these five values. It means that we (the
congregation and not just the full-time leaders) live under the
lordship of Christ. He is our head and the one that we depend on and
are ultimately accountable to. It means that we are burdened to see
people reconciled to God and living in Him. It means we are serious
about raising up a generation under us that is more filled with faith
and more Christ like than us. It means that we live to serve others in
what ever capacity possible. It also means that relationships are much
more important than function.

Basically everything about our church is geared towards raising up
leaders and reforming the nations. In fact, we are pretty good at it.
Currently I estimate our congregation to be around 180-300 in
membership. It is hard to tell because a lot of us attend all the
services. Of these there are over 50 leaders that head up the church.
This is a combination of cell leaders, band leaders, sound team
leaders, Sunday school teachers etc. Our church is very active in our
community, especially on the local university campus.

In my four years with the church I have learned many things. The most
practical of which is the fact that everything is sacred to God. What
does this mean?

It means God has something to say about every area of life and every
discipline. Whether it be family, marriage, careers, finances or the
government or whether it be science, economics, psychology, journalism
or art.

This means that just like a pilot knows a lot about flying before
he/she ever has any practical experience, that I (through applying
biblical principles) know a lot about how to effectively live life.
How do I know that this is actually the case. Very easy, I simply
compare myself and other Christians in my church to people we know
that are our peers or older. The state of our lives simply speak for

Some people say that I take the bible too seriously… that's their
loss. I have experienced enough miracles over the last 4 years through
following the bible to keep you engaged in weeks of conversation.

So that is a very brief summary of my church, my spiritual family and my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note to say hello! I was so excited to stumble across your blog and hear of your involvement with Every Nation. I was living in New Zealand this past February through June, and I was so incredibly blessed to be introduced to the then-Morning Star church there in Christchurch. My pastor and his family and several of the wonderful people in the church famiy were from South Africa...

Anyway, I see that you have a link to the 24/7 prayer site. I'm nearly finished with the Red Moon Rising book, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Please write if you happen to have a bit of time to converse -

I'm currently back living in the United States, and I'm hoping to join up with the Every Nation church recenly started in my university town. I was blessed to be able to go to the World Conference in Los Angeles this past July, and that was fantastic to see all of our brothers and sisters from all over the world!

Anyway...I won't keep babbling... But please do drop me a line sometime!!

Take care,

8:00 AM  
Blogger karoo-girl said...

YAY for Garef!!! You go man! Stoked 2 check out your blog - yeah, aren't the EN guys fantastic? Keep blogging...

10:16 AM  

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